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The Buffalo Chapter of CBTU is an organization of members from various labor unions across the region, working for one mission: To improve the quality of life for Black workers. Both in the workplace or the community, CBTU fights for social, political and economic justice that brings people out of poverty and gives them the power to become actively engaged in the decision making process! The Buffalo Chapter was chartered in 1992. Since then we have been actively bridging the gap between blacks, the labor movement and community.

What is CBTU?

In September of 1972, more than 1,200 black union officials and rank and file members, representing thirty-seven different international and national unions, met in Chicago for two days to discuss how the black voices were being ignored in the labor movement. The most significant development was the establishment of a permanent organization called the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists (CBTU).

The delegates made it clear that black workers were ready to share in the power of the labor movement at every level of its policy-making process.

CBTU would be a progressive forum for black workers to bring their special issues within unions as well as act as a bridge between organized labor and the black community.

Today, CBTU consists of members from seventy-seven international and national unions with forty two chapters across the country

The Buffalo Chapter of CBTU is an organization of members from various labor unions across the region, working for one mission: to improve the quality of life for Black workers. Both in the workplace or the community, CBTU fights for social, political and economic justice that brings people out of poverty and gives them the power to become actively engaged in the decision making process! The

Buffalo Chapter was chartered in 1992. Since then we have been actively bridging the gap between blacks, the labor movement and community.


EDUCATION: We provide community workshops on issues that impact black and minority communities from, workers’ rights, health and well-ness, and social justice issues. We also have a scholarship program that provides opportunities for our youth to receive a higher education.

POLITICS: Every year we engage in voter registration drives and various Get Out The Vote activities.

While we are a non-partisan organization, we know the only way to have our voices heard is to be engaged in the process.

COMMUNITY: We support other faith based and community action organizations that are working towards the same goal of improving the political, economic and social lives of our brothers and sisters.



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