CBTU Buffalo

CBTU Buffalo Chapter History
The Buffalo Chapter was chartered in 1992. Fourteen unionists comprised the inaugural membership. These charter members were:
Robert Massey – AFSCME (Elected President)
Diane Flakes – UAW (Elected Vice President)
Dee Alexandria – UFCW (Elected Secretary)
Barbara Reese – CSEA (Elected Treasurer)
Sonja Melvin – NYSNA (Appointed Sergeant-At-Arms)
Zinna Cleague – UAW
Terrence Melvin – CSEA
Elaine Mootry – CSEA
Sylvia Mayberry – CSEA
Robert Mootry, Jr. – CSEA
Creola Shelton – CSEA
Doris Williams – CSEA
Ron Wofford – CSEA
The Buffalo Chapter has grown steadily over the past 15 years, averaging 120 members, representing 13 unions. The Chapter was instrumental in the chartering of the Albany (1999), Rochester (2000), Syracuse and Ontario Chapters by providing leadership for their formation.
The Buffalo Chapter is very proud of its non-partisan public service history. The Chapter has been involved over the years in numerous service activities and social programs. Buffalo Chapter has won the outstanding CBTU Chapter Award twice, in 1994 and 1999. The Chapter’s first annual conference and awards banquet was held in 1994. Some of the people who have been honored over the years include:
Judge Robert T. Russell, Jr. (1996) (2001)
L. Nathan Hare (1997)
Rev. Bennett Walker Smith, Sr. (1998)
Clifford Suggs (1999)
William A. Johnson, Jr. - Mayor of Rochester (2000)
Florence Tripi – CSEA Region 6 President (2001)
Thomas Hobart – NYSUT President (2005)
Renae Kimble – Niagara County Councilwoman (2006)
Angelo Vellake – WNY Labor Federation – President (2007)
Terrence Melvin- NYS ALF-CIO (2011)
Franchelle C. Hart 1199SEIU (2011)
The projected programs and activities for the year include: non-partisan GOTV, annual Conference and Awards Banquet; and the Gospel Extravaganza to benefit our Youth Scholarship fund, and establish a better working relationship within our communities.
Buffalo Chapter Members
Present - Robert Mootry Jr.
Vice Present - Craig Chatman
Treasurer - Sharon Ivey
Secretary - Danielle Gates-White
Sergant at Arms - Albert Richardson
Ina J. Ferguson
Sonja Melvin
Beverly Alexander
Angela Blue
Kathy Hunter